In this fast moving world of internet , it is an uphill task for both the developers and the business people to keep up the pace. Advanced technical tools come every now and then, kicking the old ones sideways. Front-end development is very important because it helps to enhance user interaction, site efficiency, interactivity and the look. This is why business are focusing on front end development. Web development tools allow web developers to test and debug their code. They are different from integrated development environments (IDEs) in the way that they are not directly helping in the creation of web application. Web development tools are used for testing the user interface of a website or web application. Choosing the right tool for right cause is another task for a web developer. Below listed are some of the web development tools trending this year.
Chrome Developer Tools
This is a basic web development tool every web developer should know as it comes handy. You may go through many issues when building a new feature or adding a new page or fixing an existing issue while developing a website. This is actually a set of debugging tools built in the Chrome itself. It helps in different testing in the browser which helps to save the development time and effort behind the task.
- It allows adding custom CSS rules.
- Users can view Margin, Border, and Padding.
- It helps to emulate Mobile Devices.
- Possible to use development tools as editor.
- User can easily disable browser's caching when development tool is open.
- AngularJS
AngularJS is also a Google product and it is a must have tool for a web developer. It is a web application framework but can extend HTML syntax .
- It is an open source, completely free, also has a large developer community to provide support.
- It offers to create RICH Internet Application.
- It provides option to write client side application using JavaScript using MVC.
Sublime Text:
Sublime Text is a friendly source code editor. This is a front-end development tools which can support many markup and programming languages .Sublime is tool which support speed with a minimal user interface.
- Command palette feature helps you to search for what you want with just few keystrokes.
- Simultaneous editing feature helps to edit files side by side, or edit two locations in the one file
- It comes with Python-based plugin API
- Allows developers to give project specific preferences
npm is a package manager for Node.js packages. In Node.js a package contains all the files you need for a module. Modules are JavaScript libraries we add in our project. It is a popular tool for interacting with a said repository that aids in the package.
- Discover and reuse over 470,000 free code packages in the Registry
- Encourage code discovery and reuse within teams
- Publish and control access to namespace
- Manage public and private code using the same workflow
In the case of task automation Grunt is a popular front end tool we hear. It has a lot of bundled plugins for common tasks. It helps you to write any kind of tasks that suit your need. Grunt’s scope goes beyond simply automating front-end related tasks.
- It helps to makes the workflow easy
- It allows automating repetitive tasks with minimum effort.
- It does the code in JS and configuration in JSON.
- Grunt includes built-in tasks for extending the functionality of plugins and scripts.
- Performance of an application is high because development process speed is high.
- This web development tool reduces the chance of getting errors while performing repetitive tasks.
GitHub is a highly used software which is a hosting service for version control using Git. This tool allows developers to review code, manage projects, and build software.
- Projects can be done by our own way and also get done with GitHub's project management tools
- It offers right tools for the job
- Easy documentation and offer quality coding
- Allows all code in a single place
- Developers can host their documentation directly from repositories
Meteor is a free open-source full-stack JavaScript framework, which can also be used to create mobile applications. Instead of combining couple of different tools and frameworks Meteor offers a full ecosystem. So it is easy to create a real-time projects.
- It's fast to build with.
- Easy to learn.
- It makes developing applications efficient.
- It comes with several built-in features that contain front-end libraries and NODE js based server.
- Real-time applications at the core.
- Can develop with just one language.
- Meteor offers MongoDB database and Minimongo. These are written entirely in JavaScript.
Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is the most reliable and robust CSS extension language. Functionalities of CSS like variables, inheritance, and nesting can be extended easily by using this tool. That means Sass is basically a CSS preprocessor. This makes the coding process simpler and more efficient.
- Easy to use front end tool.
- Extended functionalities for CSS language such as variables, nesting, and mixins
- For manipulating colors and other values new functions are created
- Control directives for libraries
- It offers well-formatted output
TypeScript is a totally free open-source front end scripting language. It is well said as “strict syntactical super-set of JavaScript”. It has an added feature called optional static typing. For development of large applications which is using JavaScript this is a good choice.
- TypeScript supports other JS libraries.
- It is possible to use this Typescript on any environment that JavaScript runs on.
- It is portable across browsers, devices, and operating systems.
- Any environment that can run JavaScript can be used by Typescript.
WebStorm is a light-weight and powerful JavaScript IDE developed by JetBrains. WebStorm brings smart coding assistance for JavaScript. It provides advanced coding assistance for Angular, React.js, Vue.js and Meteor. While working with large projects, this tool helps the developer to code more efficiently.
- It provides a unified UI for working with many popular Version Control System.
- There are built-in tools for debugging, testing and tracing client-side and also for Node.js applications.
- It offers built-in debugger for client-side code and Node.js apps.
- Spy-js built-in tool allows tracing JavaScript code.
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Resource: Yarddiant Web Lounge Pvt.Ltd, Office Number: 12, First Floor, Sahya Building, Government Cyber Park, Calicut, Kerala 673016, India
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