Monday, 23 July 2018

The cutting-edge web design trend

Web design trends are also getting advanced by passing years.  In fact, It is mainly focused on technology, for example, let it be the types of devices we use, their processing power, or the sophistication of our browsers. And they are also influenced by the design principals. 

Here, we explore latest web design trends. Few years back we have made so much technological advancement on : introduction of native, in-browser 3D support, adoption of HTML5, CSS3 and the rise of front end javascript frameworks and also increased network bandwidth. However, the progress doesn’t end there. Some of the latest web design trends that take the lead in 2018 are drop shadow and depth; It is mainly used designing tool, so shadows have been a major thing of web design. The progress of web browsers, also witness some exciting variations. Grids and parallax layouts for web designers are using the effects like shadows more than ever to create depth and the illusion beyond the screen. The direct reaction to flat design trend is also popular. Shadow play creates a surprisingly versatile effect. They increases the aesthetics of a web page, and it also help User Experience.

Vibrant, saturated color schemes
Vibrancy is the key to illustrating new and fresh web pages. Web designers have stayed on the safe side when it comes to choosing color schemes for brands and websites. Now they have created colors, saturations, and design direction with no limitations. Monitors and mobile devices are made in such a way that they create vibrant color themes and visually appealing patterns to catch the attention of the viewers.

Dynamic gradients
Flat design has been a much preferred web design trend over dimensional colors, but now the gradients are also making a huge comeback these days. Gradients were seen mainly in the form of subtle shading, but now they are big, loud and full of color. Most popular recent incarnation is a gradient filter over photos; which is great way to make a dull image look more appealing. A simple gradient background can also can create perfect style accordingly.

Integrated animations
More websites are moving from static images and choosing new methods like animations, to engage users through a responsive manner. Animations makes the visitor more engaged and it can definitely give them an entirely different experience. But, larger backgrounds are needed to use animations and motion graphics. Moreover, they can also be integrated to work with scrolling, navigation and change the focal point of the entire website.

Asymmetry and broken grid layouts
After the discovery of asymmetrical and unconventional ‘broken’ layouts, web contents also play a big role. Asymmetrical layout is unique, distinctive and experimental. Big brands with lots of contents use traditional grid-based structures and small companies generally might not be interested in this aesthetics; and hence they prefer the increase in the use of unconventional layouts across the web. 

Particles background
Particles background can act as a great solution for the performance issues of the website. Such kinds of animations are javascript that are lightweight which allows background movement a natural flow and it doesn’t take too long time to load.
For example, a single image has the ability to tell the entire story much better than words. This is the case in the particle background also; they can attract the user’s attention and as a result, the brands can create memorable impression of themselves in the users mind, with in a split second. 

Mobile first
Mobile browsing now officially overtakes desktops. Owing to the current market scenario, mobile designs are getting more advanced these days. Alongside the website version, the company have to work on the mobile version too- like attaching high resolution images that fits for the mobile version. The icons are much more economical in terms of space and this become a common practice.

Big, bold typography

Each and every element in a website is important as it gives an appeal, personality and a brand status to the website, which is very much important in conveying message to the user. So, it is a better practice to use sharp and readable font which helps to provide the information easily.  Internet Explorer can support hand-made typefaces, which enabled by CSS for web browsers. “Sans serif” is a kind of fond with large letter which help to create dynamic parallels, improve UX and more. SEO elements in web pages, also helps to stack the information as per the scanning eyes of readers

Custom illustrations
Custom illustrations are a perfect way to add a brand's personal touch that make it unique from every other website. It is great to create images, which is friendly and add an element of fun to the website. Experienced artists make illustrations that are completely depends on the brand tone. It’s not surprising that every brands aim to get more crowd in every year. Trend are quite perfect for businesses, which is always fun and energetic process. It make the brands more appealing and approachable to their customers. Brand identity also should depend on illustration style to match its tone.

Custom scrolling
Now a days, we can see a clear trend on sites eliminating the traditional browser scrollbar and simply creating a custom on-page experience for their content. Some sites make use of “virtual scroll,” that allows users for scrolling. There are different types of scrolling, one that is designed around horizontal scroll, and the main benefit is that it can be controlled with a standard mouse. Many sites are also done in this way scrolling in favor of the click-drag-and-explore style of navigation. Instead of relying on traditional method of navigation, users click images dispersed on the map to learn more and more. Almost all of these kinds of sites use different kinds of WebGL application to create and display their content.
Web design provides latest digital design trends which can create something perfect for site or brand. Latest ideas, bright colors, bold gradients and integrated animations are the key element to look for while creating a user friendly web  page.

Resource: Yarddiant Web Lounge Pvt.Ltd, Office Number: 12, First Floor, Sahya Building, Government Cyber Park, Calicut, Kerala 673016, India


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