Monday 23 July 2018

Tips to create a mobile Friendly Website

Mobile friendly websites is essential for regular website; it is the latest google algorithm. If it doesn’t have latest algorithm, Google will think your website isn’t “mobile friendly”. We know that every smartphones users are not just using mobile devices to make calls and send emails and text messages. They are using mobile devices to connect with social networks and surf the Internet for news and make purchases. So if your website or ecommerce site is not optimized for mobile traffic, it could be losing potential customers and sales. It’s not going to show up in searches done on mobile devices. If the Website isn't mobile friendly; make plans to make a responsive redesign of website. Make sure you're prepared for the new mobile-first approach too. Thinking about website design, which provides a great experience for a person on a mobile device this is because more and more of your customers are spending their time.
Website shrinks down to be small enough to display on a mobile device. It looks like a small version of website. There’s a lot of zooming, pinching and scrolling going to display functions on a site. It can create less ideal user experience and the site is just viewable. Here’s a quick explanation of each type of mobile site experience.
Responsive design adapts website to fit into a device someone is using between desktops, laptops, phone, tablets, and many more. There are tons of different screen sizes out there. Responsive websites use flexible layouts and it will look great on any size device.
Responsive website has great mobile-friendly options, which includes website content and what device is using. It displays it different and it also makes good designers, so they can focus great mobile experience without designing a separate website. Responsive is a more integrated approach of Web development, which allows creating a similar experience for the user.
Optimize speed on mobile device:
It is the most important factor. Page speed will be a ranking factor for mobile searches Google is now prioritizing your mobile content, it means slow pages could affect website ranking for both mobile and desktop searches. Google knows that page speeds matters. A large percentage of users will abandon off pages that take too long to load. This is especially true on mobile devices; cellular data networks are typically slower and less stable than a desktop broadband connection. Mobile-friendly website needs to optimize for speed on mobile devices, which means keeping site design and efficient. There's a lot of technical work and its goal is to make sure that the site isn't greedily eating into customers' cellular data plan. Visitors and customers of your site wait too long for pages to load in their browser. Page speed Insights tool is to make sure each page is “rendering” as fast as they should according to industry or competitors.
Make text is large and readable:
Smartphones have large screen and has high resolution. Try to display the exact thing from your desktop to phone; it's very small in size. Responsive designs scale text to make legible on small screens. Make sure text is large enough to read on mobile devices without needing zoom in and it also make sure that the page fits the screen, so users don't have to scroll sideways to read lines of text. The smaller the font, the harder people viewing site on their phone will have reading through and it should avoid forcing visitors to use pinch to zoom as much as possible.
Make your phone number clickable:
When people are on the go, they want to be able to find information quickly and easily, especially contact information. If your phone number isn't clickable browsing on smartphone has to remember the number.
Browsing on desktop or mobile, users shouldn't have to hunt for your website's navigation menu. On mobile devices, people typically look for it on the top or bottom of the screen. To preserve precious screen space, many websites also use a hamburger menu, which is reasonably recognized. Make good navigation as simple as possible by using clear language to describe main categories and overwhelm to your visitors. If navigation is too large, think about re-organizing sitemap. Simplifying site for mobile can actually lead to a more concise site overall that provides a better experience on desktop too.
Don't go overboard with Java:
Avoid excessive java script in mobile website. This is properly run in the browsers and devices. Even different models of the same phone can often behave differently when it comes to JavaScript. This isn't to use JavaScript, rather be clever about it and keep in mind that it could affect the performance of your mobile-friendly site.
Use high Resolution Image:
High resolution images are very important on every responsive websites to ensure a high standard experience for the user. The latest iOS devices have high-definition screens that require an image double the resolution of a desktop. High-resolution images will helps to avoid technical glitches like blurry pictures and backgrounds when viewed on a retina-quality screen.  
Using YouTube videos on Website:
We know that website use a lot of videos. This is viewed in mobile devices and will be very different and it can sometimes very difficult. Using YouTube videos is a solution to combat any difficulties in viewing videos on mobile. Major reason for this is embedding code on YouTube is already responsive. This serves you lots of steps in making sure that videos are mobile-friendly.
Remove default zoom:
Auto-zoom can really create difficultly on your layout, especially for images and navigation content. They appear small or large in layout and it use the viewport Meta tag to set up custom variables within the content. Make sure you include this tag in your <head> HTML.
Make content short and interesting:
People visit your site, sometimes they fall in love with their content. The screen on a smartphone is much smaller than that on a desktop computer, so try to minimize the amount of text on mobile website. Mobile users are interested in scrolling quickly so include only essential copy to make the reader's attention. Make it crisp and simple to woo the clients.
Website design on a variety of mobile screens:
Some designers keep a full library of common phone and tablet and don’t have to buy all the common devices to check website. We know that Mobile-friendly tests from Google and Bing and it mobile template company like Studio Press offers a mobile site simulator for a variety of screen widths.

Related articles:

How to make your website more user-friendly
Importance of Mobile Friendly Websites
Resource: Yarddiant Web Lounge Pvt.Ltd, Office Number: 12, First Floor, Sahya Building, Government Cyber Park, Calicut, Kerala 673016, India

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