Monday 23 July 2018

Principles to create good content for a website

Most of us know that content is the backbone of digital market. But still, many of us including the content creators and marketers don’t get the flair for writing the content of the website. This is due to some minor mistakes and can be easily avoided using these following tips.
  • Improper audience check

Content will remain as just another piece of information if it does not falls into certain category of audience. We know that content writing requires large amount of work and effort. And not doing a proper homework- i.e., market research will result in the wastage of time and energy. Hence, it will be a good practice if you wade through the blogs and forums in internet in order to understand the correct issues and problems. Audience motive behind reading your content is the best way to find the answer for the possible question they may be having.
  • Establishing a one track mind

The common question that comes in to your mind while reading the content is that how to write a content for the website that is both SEO friendly and appeals targeted audience as well. While writing the content, the first thing you have to understand is the targeted audience. More, the easiest thing you can do is to please the audience by exactly giving what they are looking for.
  • Concentrate too much on SEO

Today search engine optimization is the major aspect of web content management system. A good SEO strategy will always help your site to rank well among the top search engine results that in turn help you to trigger ore traffic. On the counterpart, focusing too much on SEO will distract you from creating content rich websites. Hence, both content marketing and SEO should go in hand in hand. Ignoring the writing part and using just a good SEO strategy will never drive traffic to your website.
  • Being too clever or creative

It is very important to keep in mind that the readers will not each and every single word you write. They will scan the entire article, and will capture only the important details, or the piece of information that might create interest in them. Also it is a fact that a person who reads your web page will be consecutively holding 3 more web pages, So, to attain audience attention, one should write creative and technical as well.
  • Not giving importance to SEO

Content marketing is an important thing in today’s world and SEO works better along with the content of the website you are creating. Ignoring the benefits of SEO will harmfully effect the digital marketing strategies in long run.
  •  Not recycling your contents

The content that is published on the site will never lose its utility when it’s used again and again. Creating a new content for the website is not an easy task; it always takes huge amount of time and cost for creating a new content for the website. Because of this reusing the content of the website is considered to be more economical and time saving.
  • Understand the market

Every visitor visiting your site will not have the intention to buy the product that you are trying to market. This is the area were the content need to be well researched and organized to interact in the way that need to address the concerns of the targeted audience. More specifically, the content should unknowingly influence the audience
  • Be visual

Words are always important and informative; it can influence the crowd. If a content is jarring and common, possibilities are high that the audience may skip the article that includes some essential and relevant piece of information that helps them to get answers for their questions.
  • Visitors can arrive from everywhere

Unlike that of reading a story or a novel, the visitors of the web site will not read from the first and then in chronological order. Therefore it is better to know them where on the website are they now. That is proper navigation is necessary for the website success. The use of call-to-action button is great for the website content visitors, so that they can understand how to redirect back when they are lost.
  • Expecting instant results on implementation

Keep in mind that new things always takes some time to show the results. It is not just right to expect the results from a new post as soon as it is published. Expecting the content to get the instant result will causes poor user experience which leads to bad response on your company and website.
  • Short and simple

The online reader population can be categorized into two groups- they are the idle ones and the busy bees. The name itself suggests that the idle visitors are not interested to spend time for reading every line of the article. They will be very happy if contents give them the answers very quickly.
The second category doesn’t have enough time for reading a complete article. Instead they will scan through the article quickly and searches for what they want. Writing content for the websites that includes short and simple sentences can grab attention of the visitors and can also ensure that they reach information very firstly.

Writing good content for websites helps you to reach your right audience in the right way
  • Use images to expand texts

Using relevant images are one of the best method to attract visitors to the page. At the same time, over use of random images everywhere can be distracting and confusing for the readers.
  • Unique landing page for specific topics

Making everybody visit the home page is not at all a good strategy for the website content. The best approach is to create specific landing pages for each relevant topics. Always keep in mind that landing pages convert at higher rate than home pages.
  • Usage of pictures

Pictures can be used in your content as breaking line for the contents. When it comes to the case of products and people, real photos works better. Including some interesting pictures will add brownie points to the page. Visitors should know what they are buying and from where they are buying.
  • Should trim Final Copies

Writing content for the website is entirely different from that of writing a novel. Both are entirely different and hence it should be better to make the article crisp and trim while composing for the webpage. Always remember that your content should always be at the top of the priority list.
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Resource: Yarddiant Web Lounge Pvt.Ltd, Office Number: 12, First Floor, Sahya Building, Government Cyber Park, Calicut, Kerala 673016, India

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